the gestation period for humans is generally 280 days plus/minus 10-14 days. for myself this period had come and gone already and this is a really, really long overdue post. we never intended to keep this pregnancy on the downlow so i'm sure some of you folks are surely in for a shock but things just seemed to happen that way when you have a rambunctious little boy to run after on top of the serious fatigue factor when you carry a little human being inside of you. sorry folks.
anyway, back to gestation periods, did you know that the gestation period for an elephant is 645 days and a giraffe is 420-450 days?!? so for all you pregnant ladies still out there, i know you probably feel like an elephant but aren't you glad you aren't an elephant?
we now have a new roommate and she is all of nine days old. her name is sylvie claire and we love her to pieces! not to be outdone by her big brother, she too decided to come 11 days early. today is my due day actually but she sure didn't stay inside and came flying out in half the time that conrad did but don't get too jealous ladies. half the time means double the pain and it was (insert censor here) painful. i've had women tell me that once they hand baby over to you that you instantly forget about the pain. not so. i still remember it, yes, very clearly in fact.
we didn't really have any hunches whether sylvie was going to be a boy or a girl this time. for simplicity's sake i was hoping for another little boy but i sure wouldn't have it any other way now. she is so lovely and she completes our little family of four. welcome home, my sweet lovely girl.
but enough of my babble, i'm sure you all want to see photos of our new baby girl.

fresh out of the oven

she is beeeaautiful.. i have been hoping you would post.. you are going to love one of each.. you lucky bums xoxox the penners
yaya guys! she is gorgeous! would love to meet her someday!
xo todd, ash and add
i love your beautiful family!!! congrats, rosie and jay!
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