jay's been working from home which has been awesome but he now hogs the computer but i guess i can't complain too much since he's bringing home the bacon (finally!) so by the time he's finished up it's way too late to even comtemplate a blog entry.
so what have the horychun's been up to? well, i've gone a bike ride to the doctor's up at lougheed mall when the car was in the shop. just a quick little jaunt right? can't be that bad. well. it was bad. but the time i got home from the 10km ride i was basically foaming at the mouth. my head was hurting and i was close to convulsions. can you believe i thought by throwing on a pair of cycling tights that it was going to be a breeze? i mean, i did only have to push for 15 minutes,right? easy peasy, right? well, if i was going to foam at the mouth i was going to look damn good doing it. (sorry, no photo verification for the previous statement.) it was funny in hindsight though. isn't everything?
i also took my first real break from motherhood. i pumped and pumped. i was ready, but i was also very anxious. i was outside of the the 5 kilometer radius that i was comfortable with, plus i didn't want to be that schmuck who leaves their cell phone on during the performance. so not only was i going to be all the way downtown but also out of celluar range. me and my ballet buddy, bronnie, attended the ballet BC's season opener at the ford centre for performing arts with the national ballet's giselle. my first real classic. it was beautifully performed with the goh academy's chan hon goh as giselle. there was also a performance before giselle, polyphonia, which i was equally impressed with. i did really enjoy this time for myself but i also called home at every intermission. i'm a mom now, i'm allowed.
i also took my first real break from motherhood. i pumped and pumped. i was ready, but i was also very anxious. i was outside of the the 5 kilometer radius that i was comfortable with, plus i didn't want to be that schmuck who leaves their cell phone on during the performance. so not only was i going to be all the way downtown but also out of celluar range. me and my ballet buddy, bronnie, attended the ballet BC's season opener at the ford centre for performing arts with the national ballet's giselle. my first real classic. it was beautifully performed with the goh academy's chan hon goh as giselle. there was also a performance before giselle, polyphonia, which i was equally impressed with. i did really enjoy this time for myself but i also called home at every intermission. i'm a mom now, i'm allowed.
thanksiving was turkey-less but conrad did meet his auntie rita who came out from cowtown for the weekend. she came over to watch the hockey game and make dinner for us. we had macaroni and cheese! she used a recipe from the best of bridge cookbooks. basically, it's a series of recipes that are shared among ladies who play bridge together. these ladies must love their cheese because it called for three kinds! best of all it called for velveeta! i was very excited because in my 30 years of living i have not had velveeta. processed cheese slices, sure, but not a whole brick of it! now, i've had this conversation with my friend, munsie, and correct me if i'm wrong but velveeta used to be on the shelf with the lard in the grocery store. apparently it's now found in the refridgerated aisle with other cheeses so it must be good for you now. but anyway, it was mm-mmm good. (munsie, if you come over i'll make you a velveeta grilled cheese sandwich.) for those who for haven't had velveeta before or have the hankering for some processed goodness check out this recipe: gourmet macaroni and cheese.

there has also been an improvement with the television sitch. still no cable but we signed up with zip.ca. movies sent to your doorstep...now we really don't need to leave the house! we did the 2 week free trial and the DVDs were flying into our mailbox but now since the trial period is over the service has slowed down considerably. i guess that's how they reel (heh heh) you in but i'm not complaining, we can hardly sit down to watch a movie in its entirety and the no due dates works for us just perfectly.
bored on a sunday night? i highly recommend cbc's new reality TV show, triple sensation. i had some harsh words about reality television in one of my earlier entries but this one is good. it's not a slag-fest (horchie's words) like the others, we don't need another clay aiken. if you like broadway you'll like this. so, to be a triple sensation you need to able to sing, dance and act and these contestants all have chops. i'll say no more, you can tune in at 8pm.
conrad is now a whopping 11.5 pounds! his flakey face is almost all better but his cradle cap has migrated to where it's supposed to be, the top of his head...the whole area! my poor little buddy! he's been having lots of fun though. we've started going to a parent/infant drop in at eileen daily pool. it's nice to get out and meet other moms and babies and guess who i ran into there...teresa and little olivia chang! it's been so nice to have other new moms to share this experience with and i CANNOT wait until to meet all the november monsters. congrats to teresa and jason, olivia is too cute!
last night the 3 of us also went to the ricky, titans, george wrap party. it was conrad's first time in a pub, he's such a bad-ass. no drinks this time, little buddy! it was a whirlwind visiting session. conrad and i didn't make it too far past the entrance but it was great those we did and sorry to those who we missed. we'll see you all very soon!
we've been reading lots and conrad's faves that make him smile the most are two old school classics: where the wild things are and the very hungry caterpillar (thanks anita!) and how to catch a star by oliver jeffers. a big thanks to ty, terilynn and the girls for sending this great little book. check out oliver's website, he's a super talented artist.
take a look at how the monster's growing (sigh):

holy, baby model! work it, conrad.
aww, what a great dad.
1 comment:
Conrad is the cutest nephew one could have. Be careful. I might try to smuggle him into cowtown one day. Glad you enjoyed the mac'n cheese.
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