the mommies on main show was a huge success for me. thank you to all my friends and family who came to lend some moral support because i sure needed it! i couldn't have done it without my two biggest supporters, jason and conrad, thank you! and thank you, thank you, thank you to my mom, MIL, SIL, bronwen for rescuing me from my panic attack, josh, naomi and max for being my first customers!, nancy and gerald for lunch, the mah's, flaura and claudiu, ginny and jayden! the weekend is kind of a blur to me now so i hope i haven't forgotten anybody.
wow! what a learning experience! it sure is different being on the other side of the table. it was very intimidating for me once i got to the hall. all the vendors looked very pro which made me feel very mickey mouse so i hid behind my table for most of saturday but i was glad to have some very nice people stationed around me but once i finally did venture from behind my table i quickly realized everyone was very friendly. phew! i am so glad (in hindsight of course!) i did this show. i received so many nice compliments and that made this whole experience worth it and just gives me a sense of validation and that feels good. i have a few more ideas i'd like to do but all i need now is time! i've opened an etsy store but i haven't had the time to stock it yet...i'm sorry! hopefully in a couple days because i'm just trying to complete a custom order for a mobile that i received after the show! can you believe it??? so hang tight and i'll be sure to update you when i have items up for sale!

and i can't post an entry without an update on my little monster. since my last post he really has grown up almost into a little boy. he's started crawling and pulling himself up against the bookshelf, kitchen cabinets and stereo. and he's got lots of hair now. he's still pretty serious but he has little giggle fits. and he's got this little smirk, you know, the one where you know he wants to smile but he doesn't because he doesn't want to give you the satifaction. what a brat but there is too much to tell. you will have to come over to see it for yourself otherwise you'll only have pictures to look at.
so long for tonight.

vote for your favorite hair-do!

carfree days on commercial

at the playground being cute
just being cute
everybody! just wait and stop crying! we just need one good picture!
hanging out with fraser at grizzley
hanging out with max. don't eat me, fergus!
hungry, max?